CSR wing of excel group
The Excel Foundation
Motto : "Excelling to Empower"
The Excel Foundation has supported various educational activities, community awareness programmes, Personality & Leadership Training programmes and more.

To enhance the quality of living and economic well-being of communities around us.

We are in the business to provide Good Education, Women Empowerment, Save Children from Poverty, Prevent Environmental Hazards.

The Excel Foundation (TEF)
T - Transforming for self confident
E - Educating & Empowering
F - Making Financially Independent
To extend direct assistance to physically, mentally and socially disadvantaged sections of the society
To provide education-related interventions to cater to the school children, especially in rural areas
To assist in the improvement of sanitation and health of needy communities
To undertake Income generation programs through micro-financing and social enterprise
To help in the upgradation and promotion of traditional, indigenous and local craft know-how and skills
To organize agro – based Initiatives including value additions, Food processing and preservation
To promote sustainable environment & ecological balance of nature
To undertake capacity - building of people and to give human resource training to Community based organizations
To create much-needed minor infrastructures to assist rural communities
To work in partnership with various civil society actors like schools, colleges, NGOs, government departments and service organizations to enhance the standard of living
To support other non-profit & charitable trusts / societies with similar objectives like our own, so as to extend our reach
To lawfully mobilize resources from inside and outside the country for taking up various interventions, including tapping of the corporate social responsibility potential of companies and corporates.

The Excel Foundation organized programs to strengthen and build the capacity of Community-based Organizations, NGOs, and Voluntary Agencies working to uplift the poor, recognizing the vital role of civil society in creating a stronger, healthier nation.

Youth Empowerment
The Excel Foundation sponsored, conducted, supported, or assisted numerous Personality and Leadership Training programs and camps for school, college students, and community youth, in association with the Rotary movement.

Women & Girl Children
The Excel Foundation supported awareness programs for women and girls on hygiene, sanitation, and health, and sponsored incinerators for girls' schools and hostels to promote personal hygiene.

The Excel Foundation supports education by improving rural schools, promoting literacy, providing learning aids, infrastructure, clean water, and toilets, recognizing excellence, and sponsoring underprivileged students for higher studies.

The Excel Foundation supports community awareness against social evils like tobacco, liquor, and drug abuse, sponsors medical expenses for the needy, and assists Rotary International and government efforts in global polio eradication.

The Excel Foundation has signed an MoU with Trichy National College to support aspiring athletes by sponsoring their tournament participation. As part of this initiative, the foundation has donated a high-end luxury bus to facilitate the travel needs of the athletes. This vehicle also serves the broader community, being used for educational trips by government schools in Trichy.