The word Vetiver comes from the Tamil word 'வெட்டிவேர்' (Vetiver). Although it was born in Tamil Nadu, today the fame of Vetiver has spread all over the world. Vetiver can grow in almost any soil. Be it brackish or saline soil, vetiver grows best. Vetiver is a very fast growing plant. Its roots can grow up to three meters deep. Vetiver is a plant species that can withstand all conditions. Able to tolerate extreme cold or extreme heat. The foremost use of Vetiver is Environmental friendly. Now a days Soil erosion is a massive environmental problem globally. Vetiver roots are one of the best plant to control soil erosion. Vetiver plays a very important role in protecting the environment. Vetiver is very effective in protecting against soil erosion, land sliding and land reclamation. Further it cleanup of agricultural contaminated wastewater also. In recent years, Vetiver cultivation and related industries play a very important role in improving the economic development of farmers all over the world
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